Freesia Christmas Fair 2024

Freesia Christmas Fair 2024

 Date and Time

Date: 01/12/2024
Time: 10:30 - 16:00


Passeig del 30 d'Octubre, 4

Freesia’s Annual Christmas Fair 2024

When: Sunday 1st December, 2024 between 10:30h to 16:00h
Entry for sellers to setup on Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December
Location: Main Council Civic Center, Salou.

Please note that this is Freesia’s annual Christmas Fair 2024 event and for the sale and display of Christmas festive and decorative themed items. This is NOT a second hand carboot sale which we organise separately throughout the year.

Get Ready for the Freesia Christmas Fair 2024!

Christmas is coming and once again Freesia is organising its traditional Christmas Fair. This will be Freesia’s “22nd Christmas Fair”, and this year will be held once again at the Ayuntamiento Civic Center (TAS) building in Salou.

freesia christmas fair 2024

Every year, the Freesia Christmas Fair is a fantastic Sunday out for all the family, with visitors coming from around the local area to enjoy the Christmas festivities. There’s a reason why so many people look forward to the Freesia Christmas Fair 2024.

It’s festive, fun, and a chance for people and friends to connect over a shared love of all things Christmassy. So start your holiday shopping period early this season and find the perfect gift for your loved ones, family and friends.

Being an official Christmas event, the Freesia Group has a wide range of stalls offering christmas food, cakes and home-made produce, as well as for sale books, gifts, arts and crafts, jewellery, decorations, etc. Also every year we have a fabulous raffle to win some fantastic prizes. For the kids, there is Santa’s Grotto and a variety of entertaining games that offer the chance to win a prize or even two.

Outside, under a sheltered area, you’ll find a variety of hot Christmas foods available for purchase, along with warm coffee drinks and a bar where you can unwind and recharge after a busy day of selling. Over 40 artisans, crafters, local independent shops, and small businesses will be showcasing their festive products, offering everything you need to delight your loved ones just in time for Christmas.

Don’t Miss the Freesia Christmas Fair 2024

This is Salou’s premier and only British Christmas fair to kick start the 2024 festive season. So book your space or spaces inside the TAS building below and remember to sell products or services related to Christmas only and not general second hand goods which can be sold through our usual Carboot sales.

You will have more than enough space for a normal Christmas themed stall and all for a cost of only 15 Euro per individual space payable on the day. However, should you need more spaces, you can book up to four additional spaces on the order form below. Each space you take will cost 15 euros per additional space.

When you arrive, your allocated area will be clean and tidy. Please take home any rubbish or unsold items with you when you leave, so that your area is left clean afterwards. You are responsible for tidying up after yourself. Dustbins are available both inside and outside for you to dispose of your general rubbish.

christmas fair santa 2024

Due to its indoor location and the limited size of the Civic Center hall, commercial spaces at the Christmas Fair 2024 are very limited and strictly controlled on a first come, first served basis.

So pre-book your space(s) today or you will be disappointed!. Commercial sellers have access on both Saturday 30th of November and from 07:30am Sunday 1st of December to prepare your tables.

As always, all 100% of the money we raise from this 22nd Annual Christmas Fair will go directly to Freesia Events to support our nominated cancer charities, both locally and nationally. We raised over 5000 euros last year with the help of many volunteers, helpers and business and thanks to all those who attended.

Help us spread the word about Freesia’s 22nd Christmas Fair 2024 on Sunday, December 1st by promoting it on your Facebook or X pages. The more people that know about it and visit, the more you can sell and the more money you will make.

NOTE ALSO: Should you have difficulty booking your spot at the Christmas fair 2024, or have not receive any e-mail about your booking from us within 24 hours, probably your email provider has blocked it, so please check your Spam or Junk folders first.

If you can not locate your confirmation of Christmas fair booking email, then send us an email to, and please do not make a second booking for the same space! Thank you.

We would love to see you there at the Freesia Christmas Fair 2024 inside the building of Salou town hall supporting us with our ongoing fight against cancer.

A big heart-felt thank you to all those local businesses and supliers who generously gave various prizes and vouchers for the Raffle stall held at the Christmas fair. You can open, view or download the donations list here:

Book Your Space Here:

BOOKINGS CLOSED - Bookings are now closed for this event

Este artículo también está disponible en: Spanish


  • Samantha Dalton

    Hi, I know I’m late, but any chance of a really small stand to showcase my home fragrance. I will some products to sell but mostly to showcase what orders can get made.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to consider my request.

  • Fiona Gordon

    Have you any cancellations for stalls, I have only just heard about the fair from our friends Rob and Cinta

  • Jeanette Tickner

    OK thank you, I will check my email account, not having any problem with other emails. You can also contact me on
    Look forward to the fair again this year

  • Jeanette Tickner

    Hi, I booked a space last Saturday 9th Nov on this site for the Christmas fair but not had a confirmation email.i also have emailed you as requested but had no reply. Please confirm I Haa space reserved. Thanks Jeanette

    • Freesia Events

      Hello Jeanette, We confirmed your booking ID 4878 for participation in the Christmas Fair on November 9th, but your gmx email account rejected our confirmation emails, twice. Please see below:

      | A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
      | Tickner
      | host []
      | SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection:
      | (mxgmx009) Nemesis ESMTP Service not available
      | 554-No SMTP service
      | 554-Bad DNS PTR resource record.

      We also replied to your email on Monday 11th informing you of this issue. Clearly this reply has also been blocked by your gmx account.

      Also as part of our reply to you, we asked if you have, or have access to another email address were we can send your confirmation email to.

      Freesia Events

  • Susana

    Me he equivocado de email, solo quiero dos entradas soy Susana

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